Our Founder
With numerous patents and over 50 years’ experience working in close cooperation with some of the world’s leading multi-national food companies, including Kelloggs, Mars, Nestle, Proctor & Gamble and Unilever, our founder Mr Spyros Christodoulou has accumulated a lifetime of knowledge and expertise.

The Background
Born in Sudan in 1946 to parents from the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus and Chios, Spyros showed an early interest in both Nature and Machinery, and through his father’s peanut processing business, Spyros was exposed to the world of peanut farming, processing and machinery from just 10 years old.
Spyros was happiest and fascinated when he was dismantling, analyzing and reconstructing everything electro-mechanical, cars and boat engines, or more specifically the machinery at his father’s processing plant, in 1965 his passion for engineering took him to London where he commenced his mechanical engineering studies.
Figure 1: Dimitri Christodoulou, Spyros' father negotiating purchase of peanuts in Sudan in the late 50s

The Achievements
His ability as a gifted engineer and forward thinking innovator set him apart from his peers and in his early 20s, his development of cutting edge technologies and ground-breaking processes led him to form his first business and secure his first major contract from one of the world’s largest multi-national food groups.
This industry-changing level of innovation also allowed Spyros to secure numerous patents and many of the world’s largest multi-national food companies, as long term customers and collaborators.
More importantly, the significance of his developments meant that each client, including his very first major client, happily continued to renew their contracts with him right the way through to his retirement some 30 years later.
Figure 2: In testament to his forward vision, some of the innovative machinery he conceived, designed and built for Mars Inc. in 1988
Our Progress in the past 6 years
Picked local olives and made about
a spoonful of EVOO.
Conceived and applied for U.K. Patent.
A lot of thinking at this point.
Many sketches…Many pilot trials…many messy mishaps. Our Larnaca plant is chosen for R&D and production trials
Trials and fabrication of innovative machinery
Combining the wealth and plentitude of knowledge and experience to find and implement viable solutions to the problems faced by EVOO industry.
1st full scale production.
Gaining valuable information on process and conditions. Planning developments for next year. Setting new benchmarks for our products. Produced around 1000 liters.
2nd production run.
Up scaled capacity with new propriety technology implemented. Target product on EVOO met. Produced 3000 lt
3rd year production.
Upscaling and upgrading of process propriety technology. New breakthrough phytochemical profiles made. Record Squalene levels registered. New world benchmarks set for High Phenolic Olive Oil in terms of commercial scale volumes, potency and bioavailabity of antioxidants.
Investment in upscaling and upgrading processing line.
Research into valorization of bi-products and bi-product processing technology. Capacity 80,000lt.
The Future
The Future