Our Mission

Our Vision

Welcome to the future of Nutraceutical-Grade High-Phenolic Full-Spectrum Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Olea Europaea Products… Welcome to Cleanthi Alpha-Olenic Ltd
Olea Europaea:
The Olive TreeA symbol of LongevityOutliving civilizationsLighting palaces and homes for millenniaSurviving drought flood fire and frostMedicinal Fruit and LeavesMaking your Food your medicine…and your medicine your foodAn essential ingredient of The famous Mediterranean DietThe heritage of countless familiesSpanning generationsAdorning hillsides and valleysAdorning orchards and grovesGiving nourishment and shade...and shelter to travelers and wildlife
The Alpha-Olenic difference

U.S.A and E.U. Patented Process
Our technology is designed around the olive; not modified for use with olives. Every process point is geared towards the protection and collection of the bioactive phytochemicals.

Sustainable Eco-Friendly Olive Mill Model
Our technology allows us to valorize and commercialize bi-products which currently cause phytotoxic soil and water pollution.

Highest recorded content of OLIVE OIL SQUALENE
Worlds Highest recorded Olive based Squalene-Omega2. Plant based olive derived Squalene is a pentacyclic triterpene which research suggest has significant bio-activity. See Olive Health Science page for more information on Squalene.

Unique continuous Plug-Flow on-line optimizable process
A continuous processing system has many advantages e.g. equal processing of product, continuous live monitoring and setting of parameters, less cost due to batch change time, first product in is first product out.
Batch processing systems have various disadvantages e.g. non-uniform residence time, inter-batch washing and change time, non-continuous cyclic parameter settings, first product in is mixed with last product in.

Up to 90% less water usage. Up to 65% less electricity usage. Low carbon footprint
Up to 90% less water usage. Up to 65% less electricity usage. Low carbon footprint

Our focus on utilizing all beneficial phytochemicals from the olive tree
Olea Europea products derived from it’s lipid phase, aqueous phase, solid phase and leaves. Complete utilization of the olive tree’s offerings without waste and polluting bi-products.

Production of large commercial volumes of SUSTAINABLE nutraceutical grade EVOO
Our production line is designed for large input volumes during the short harvest window when olives are at optimum quality. Analyses are performed on composite representative samples to ensure homogenous profile of entire volume.
Using satellite imagery technology, we monitor regional crop conditions to select supply from orchards having the best annual conditions. We do not rely on the annual performance of our own olive orchards.

Zero water-oil emulsification and zero infused oxygen in our oil
Gentle separation of the solid, aqueous and lipid phases results in our ultra-fine ultra-pure Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil®. Existing olive mill machinery often causes water and atmospheric oxygen to emulsify with the olive oil thereby causing hydrolysis and oxidation degradation.

Monitoring and selection of olive orchards based on their phytochemical profile
Satellite monitoring of entire regions’ annual crop conditions and performance. Crops quality vary from year to year. We are able to choose from the most promising orchards from entire region rather than being bound to our own variable crop performance.
The difference is in the … Patented Process
Organic: Organically farmed olives trees are known to develop higher concentrations of phytoalexins, plant immune- defense chemicals, than non-organic trees. When consumed, these bio-active phytochemicals have been shown to positively affect human health. Cleanthi products are all certified organic.
Organic: Organically farmed olives trees are known to develop higher concentrations of phytoalexins, plant immune- defense chemicals, than non-organic trees. When consumed, these bio-active phytochemicals have been shown to positively affect human health. Cleanthi products are all certified organic.
Oleocanthal: This powerful polyphenol causes the ‘throat burn’ in EVOO. Research has proven Oleocanthal to cause apoptosis, cancer-cell death. Anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective effects have also been indicated in research. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil is high in Oleocanthal.
Chronic Disease prevention: EVOO is an essential component in The Mediterranean Diet, recognized worldwide by health professionals. The bioactive phytochemicals and the unsaturated fats give EVOO it’s health promoting attributes. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil® is high in bio-active phytochemicals and contains approx. 65% Omega-9 unsaturated fats.
Micro-Biome Health: Modern research has established that the profile of micro-biota or gut bacteria, is essential for human health. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil® contains compounds which promote a healthy ‘gut-flora, as well as healing micro-lesions in the intestinal lining. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil® can help treat and maintain a healthy micro-biome.
Micro-Biome Health: Modern research has established that the profile of micro-biota or gut bacteria, is essential for human health. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil® contains compounds which promote a healthy ‘gut-flora, as well as healing micro-lesions in the intestinal lining. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil® can help treat and maintain a healthy micro-biome.
Olive Sourced Squalene: Known as ‘Samewada’ in Japanese meaning ‘The Cure For All’, Squalene is possibly more effective than polyphenols. This Triterpene has a wide range of biological activities such as anti-aging, delivering oxygen into cells, drug delivery mechanism, immune system stimulation, anticancer , anti-inflammatory and more. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil is uniquely rich in Squalene
Olive Sourced Squalene: Known as ‘Samewada’ in Japanese meaning ‘The Cure For All’, Squalene is possibly more effective than polyphenols. This Triterpene has a wide range of biological activities such as anti-aging, delivering oxygen into cells, drug delivery mechanism, immune system stimulation, anticancer , anti-inflammatory and more. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil is uniquely rich in Squalene
Natural Immunity: Whether restoring our immune systems’ balance or prepping it up for seasonal viruses, the natural nutraceuticals in Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil can play an important part in strengthening our natural immunity against internal and external attacks.
Oleuropein: This ‘Parent’ polyphenol is responsible for the bitterness in EVOO. Health research shows its potential for chronic disease prevention and treatment. Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil contains high levels of Oleuropein.
Commercial volumes of Nutraceutical Grade, High Phenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
From 20lt to 1000lt. Cleanthi Alpha-Olenicltd is in the globally unique position to supply the Nutraceutical, Cosmetic, industries with British Pharmacopeia Compliant Alpha-Olenic
Olive Oil®. Our product provides multiple advantages to ‘your’ product including increased antioxidant content, increased bioavailability, maximal oxidative stability. Each order comes with Certificate of Analysis based on a composite representative sample of the entire batch.
CONTACT US for phytochemical profiles, bulk supply formats and more product information.